A Chat With ADVMotoCo / Triumph Tiger 800 Turn Signal Relocation Kit

ADV Moto Co produces turn signal relocation kits for the Triumph Tiger 800 models, which move the vulnerable signals from the side, up near the headlight. After seeing numerous recommendations for the kits in online groups, I decided to see what was the impetus behind them, and why they're so popular. The one-man team behind it, Terry, took some time to answer my questions.

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Packing For Weekend Adventure: What’s In My Panniers?

For those new to adventure motorcycling and particularly moto-camping, one of the first questions they inevitably ask is, "what do I pack?". While some of us may pack light, and others pack everything under their roof, the challenge is to find just the right balance. Do you really need that 750ml bottle of whiskey? No. Do you really want it, though? Rhetorical question. Afterall, the whiskey certainly tastes better after all that work. Before going into what's in my kit and why it works for me, it's best to take a simpler look at what should be considered essential to a moto-camping pack out.

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